The Ultimate College Brain Fuel

Have you ever heard the phrase, “college is the best four years of your life”? While those four years certainly do rival any stretch of time in terms of fun I had I think that a better phrase might actually be “college is the unhealthiest four years of your life.” I can only wish that I had exogenous ketones during my college years.

If you’re unfamiliar with KETO//OS NAT and the benefits that come with it, try thinking of what you lacked in college and there’s a decent chance that exogenous ketones can assist with improvement. I know I could have used more mental clarity, better sleep and better energy.

One of my very favorite benefits of drinking ketones is the increased focus and mental clarity. Thinking of how many long nights of cramming or attempting to write a paper – without much success – could have been improved by adding ketones. During finals week I would stock up on caffeine and candy that lead to jittery sugar highs followed by intense crashes just as I was hitting my stride. Since adding ketones to my daily life in my late 20’s I can keep my focus at work or around the house for hours at a time without getting distracted or forgetting what I was supposed to be doing. Having something so simple to add to my routine in college that could have made such a massive difference would have been incredible.

I don’t know if I’ve ever met a college student who claims to be well rested. Late nights, either academically or socially, are often followed by class early the next morning. Exogenous ketones can help provide a more restful sleep, resulting in less brain fog in the mornings. Rather than trying to decide between finishing the reading assignment before class or squeezing in a 40 minute nap, it sounds more pleasant and desirable to wake up feeling rested and then drink a serving of KETO//OS NAT to help power through a long day of classes.

Another benefit of exogenous ketones is increased energy. For me, college was a time of running from class to work, work to class, class to the gym and from the gym to the library. Fourteen hour days of moving from one thing to the next are not uncommon in college and I was never able to give my evening activities or studies my best simply because I was mentally and physically drained from long days. Looking back, the clean energy that KETO//OS NAT provides would have been the very best thing for me to have in college. As a former DIII athlete there were plenty of days when I could have used a little boost of energy heading into practice or workouts, not to mention a clean fuel that I wasn’t getting otherwise.

A friend of mine often jokes, “One of the hardest things about being an adult is figuring out what you’re going to eat for every single meal for the rest of your life.” Most 18 year olds get thrown into that mix as soon as they arrive on a college campus. Unfortunately, the food served in the dining hall at any college often lacks variety, flavor, and desired nutrition. I’m a self-admitted picky eater and more often than not found myself gravitating to things like pizza, sandwiches, and pasta. Things didn’t improve much when I moved into an apartment with a kitchen as the only thing I “cooked” was baking a chicken breast until I knew for sure it was cooked all the way through. Exogenous ketones are the easiest way to make sure a college student is getting a clean source of fuel on top of the cereal, ice cream, and hamburgers. The right fuel can make a huge difference in focus, sleep, and energy – KETO//OS NAT makes sure at least something positive is being consumed every day.

Everyone I know could benefit from better mental clarity, better sleep and better energy but it’s even more true for college students. Yes, the years spent in college are some of the best times of our lives, but it’s crazy how much better it could have been if I knew then what I know now and just added one drink per day to my routine.

The Real McCoys