Why We Love Community Based Marketing

For some reason our society treats money, wanting more of it, and the things it buys as “taboo.” It seems that people in successful financial situations are often criticized for being greedy. People who take on a “side hustle” seem to be praised more for having a job that pays them too little, rather than having the ambition to build an income stream they can call their own. To a certain point, striving to make more money is celebrated – for example, choosing to attend college is applauded with the hopes of graduating and getting a higher paying job afterwards. But when and why do the tables turn from being happy for someone wanting more for themselves to criticism for someone wanting too much?

We’ve been criticized plenty for the business model we’re a part of. Most people are taught to trade their time for money until they have more money than time left and can retire. So when someone is presented with the idea of being paid for the value they produce and not simply the time they sit behind a desk, red flags go up and their first instinct is, this has to be a scam. What my wife, Maddie, and I have come to believe from our own personal experience is that community based marketing is the best business model on the planet. Contrary to what the network marketing doubters think – if you don’t do anything, your paycheck will reflect that. Help people live better lives and you’ll be rewarded for it. Pretty simple, but it’s still largely misunderstood. The people who don’t think you should be compensated for helping people strive towards their financial goals inside this business are the same people who don’t help their coworkers with tasks that “aren’t part of their job description”. Before you chastise someone for striving for more as part of a community based marketing platform – educate yourself. Trust me, calling it a scam or pyramid scheme makes you sound ignorant and uninformed. Yes, actually, it’s possible to make money, but why is that a bad thing? Don’t be mistaken, just like any business, success in a community based marketing platform doesn’t come without ridiculously hard work.

In March of 2020 we were sent to work from home wondering what we would do if one of us (or both of us) lost our job. We had been working at the same place for almost three years and had just recently survived staff cuts only a few months prior. Our finances were fine, but nothing too special. We weren’t losing money, but we weren’t able to save much. Our monthly budget allowed for a combined $350 of “fun” money, which got swallowed up quickly if either of us needed a new pair of shoes or we had to buy a birthday present for someone in either family.

In May of that year we were introduced to Pruvit’s products and community. After reading over the entire website and compensation plan I came to the conclusion that we weren’t about to get ripped off. Pruvit’s awesome “free-product program” allowed us to get our ketones for free just by referring two people, but I knew we easily had more than two people who could benefit from better energy, better focus, better fat loss, better sleep, and everything else that KETO//OS NAT provides (not to mention it works every time and we can Pruvit). We were off and running with literally nothing to lose.

The money wasn’t life changing right away, but it certainly made our lives easier. We knew there was only room for growth so we kept working and working and working. Almost exactly 12 months later we got to drive our brand new Audi Q5 off the lot, thanks to earning the Pruvit Car Bonus. Another month after that Maddie walked away from her 8-5 job we had been concerned about losing at the beginning of the pandemic to devote more time to growing our business.

We’ve shared a lot of success stories that have come from the product and its incredible benefits, but I could argue that the business side of Pruvit has just as many and just as impactful successes.

Yes, just about everyone can benefit from better energy, better focus, better fat loss, or better sleep; but just as many people could also benefit from a better financial opportunity. Money doesn’t have to be in the seven figures category for it to be life changing. We’ve been lucky enough to help people make anywhere from hundreds each month to thousands each month and each of those sums has changed their lives in more ways than one. When we got started I loved the better energy and focus I felt while drinking ketones, but I also loved the opportunity it gave us to enjoy our lives a little more.

We set out with goals for what this business could turn into, but without any idea if they were attainable. Quickly, we learned that any goal is attainable in this platform if you’re willing to work for it. Our goals as a couple are ever-changing and we’re not afraid or ashamed to say we are always striving for more. We’ll never be a couple that pushes someone away if their goal isn’t to quit their job or make millions. If someone wants to work toward $250 a month to help cover groceries, then we’ll meet someone where they are; no goal is too small, nor is it too big.

In the end, it’s okay to want a little bit more and not be afraid to admit it. If you’re wondering if this business is the one for you, we’d love to talk to you about it to give you a better understanding. If you’ve got something else in mind or you’re content with where you are we wish you nothing but the best.


All of these financial success stories are the result of hard work and are not guaranteed in our business or any other.

The Real McCoys