Our Story…


Hi there! We’re Maddie and Brendan McCoy, we live in Ripon, Wisconsin with our amazing dog, Finn. We met one another on our second day of our first year at Ripon College and started dating only a few weeks later. We live very active lives, both loving to do things outside when the Wisconsin weather allows us to. Having both played college sports (Maddie played tennis, Brendan played basketball) we have always been conscious about our exercise and what we put into our bodies. We began drinking ketones in May of 2020 with little to no expectations that they could actually impact our lives, but were proven wrong in the very best way.

While neither of us had weight that we needed to lose, we’ve both lost fat from our bodies while being able to preserve muscle from our workouts. Speaking of working out, ketones have given both of us the energy needed to go to the gym or on a run, even after a long day. Prior to ketones, we both had fallen out of the pattern of consistent exercise, but since beginning our ketone journey we are both working out 6 days per week (Maddie prefers yoga, while Brendan is training for a Ironman 70.3).

We both love the mental clarity that we have experienced since beginning our ketone journey. We like to say that ketones are the windshield wipers for your brain, allowing you to think just a little more clearly.

More than three years after drinking our first ketones we have yet to miss a day and have loved being able to continue our journey toward better health and wellness together.